The API Viewer
API Viewer
One way of getting started with the RISM Online API is through the use of the API Viewer tool. On every resource page there is a link in the footer to the API Viewer. This opens a new window where users can view the underlying data for that resource, as well as control some of the parameters through form controls.
Note: The API Viewer will allow you to choose both Turtle and N-Quads representations of the data. These are still experimental representation of the RISM data records, and their structure and content will change, probably dramatically, in the future.
As the controls are changed, an example of how to request this representation using the command-line tool cURL
shown. The parameters of this command can also be used as hints to translate this request to another tool. Since the
behaviour relies only on well-understood mechanisms in the HTTP specification, any client tool can be used to make these